Category: Nocturnal Wanderings

  • Living, breathing art form, I am a sculpture of divine light, flattering shadows and constantly updated ambitions silhouetted against not-so-common sense nine to five the daily grind a carbon copy in the ant heap falling in line wherever order is applicable body of a woman in subdued hues of corporate costume starched and tailored rags…


  • “I’m sorry I’ll have to pass. But you girls should go ahead and conquer the night, like we always do. I’ll be with you in spirit.” …………sending message… …message sent. I used to party harder than any of them. I was always the one pushing rhythm into the arms of intimacy. Always the one wearing…


  • Touch me. It’s been a while since someone got through. Tell me a sentence that you truly mean, that you can guarantee you’ll still mean a year from now. Sing me a song with a melody you have to cut something of yourself open before you can have the courage to sing it. Tell me…


  • A good compromise always leaves everybody unhappy. And you can explain it until you’re blue in the face what you call “your” side, what was going on within your inner hell during those weeks when all I could see on the surface was a glacial apathy towards me no matter how hard I knocked, you…


  • I dream about greatness. I aim for it everyday. But recently I learned that if you want it, there are places to look for it, and places to avoid. This place is overrun with mediocrity. And maybe I am mediocre too. But I have a burning desire to rise above it, an intense passion to…


  • All I really want for us right now is an end to this nonsense pushing and pulling. Belated indelible memories of your first push that I thought was mere carelessness, your second push that I thought was a private code asking me to lie low, but stay, anyway, your third push and I started wondering…


  • Once upon a time, we loved. Long ago. When we knew better. When love was the most important thing. We dared to pursue something meaningful. We didn’t pretend we were the only ones but none of it mattered, because what we had was enough. Enough to build lives on. Enough for eternity. Enough to sustain…


  • I’m no longer in love with you or at least, I’m no longer falling. Persistently, steadily I am digging myself out with my bare hands and nothing but the assisting flow of life for foothold. I got life to do, baby. From the depths of my emotions uncalculated when I audaciously plummeted I’ll keep pushing…


  • He likes to collect regrets. He thinks he’s human that way. He surrounds himself with them, and reminds himself constantly by engaging them in casual conversation, keeping them painfully close as if they weren’t regrets, but hopes. As if it weren’t winter, but spring. I guess he feels safe among them because with them, the…


  • Look up. There’s a portrait of you among the clouds. The song of your heart is written on the skyline. Your life story is in every condo unit lit up from within, glowing with promise through the sheer curtains on the windows. You know that sun up there? It loves you passionately. It longs to…

